With the changes that COVID-19 has brought, we will be moving to a comprehensive online curriculum this year! It is an amazing program that all grades will be using. All students 1st-8th grade will need to register and work on their online program materials throughout the year, at their own pace. For those students preparing to receive a sacrament this coming year, there will be additional in-person classes along with their online curriculum, that Emily Wu will teach with an amazing core team of volunteers - the schedule for these classes are on the PSR page. Confirmation students will meet one Wednesday a month for a Discipleship Retreat evening in the Church from 4:30-5:45pm. First Communion students will meet twice a month, either on Tuesday or Thursday from 4:30-5:45pm. Please email Emily Wu your day preference. We will be following strict guidelines of cleaning and social distancing for health and safety.
For our little ones, we had plans to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - a Montessori style catechesis for children ages 2-6 years old - each week Emily Wu will send out a video lesson on YouTube, and sending you newsletters and activities to create at home. This online class has been able to be provided to the parish because we received a grant from the Catholic Foundation. Please email Emily Wu if you are interested in receiving the newsletters and catechesis videos, you do not need to register your child for this class.