Knights of Columbus, Council 1056
The Knights of Columbus, Council 1056, represents the best of what it means to be a Catholic man by demonstrating our faith through the values of charity, unity and fraternity. Council 1056 volunteers over 15,250-man hours each year at 30-40 separate events. As a Knight, you show support to the parish, community and nation, promoting service over self. Lastly, the KofC offers some of the most affordable, comprehensive insurance consistent with Catholic values. See what it’s all about: “In service to One. In service to all”.
Athletic Association
The Athletic Association (the Board) of St. Mary Delaware serves the students, parents, and parishioners of the St. Mary community (Parish, School, & PSR). For students, the Board endeavors to provide them with an opportunity for a positive athletic experience. Students in this program will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the game, develop their skills and experience team play, teamwork, sportsmanship, and Christian values.
For more info please email
A group devoted to Jesus through Mary. We pray the Rosary after each mass and have a monthly meeting after the First Saturday Mass. For more information contact Deacon Felix Azzola,
Men's Group of St. Mary
St. Mary Men's Group invites all men 18 and over to join then in faith, fellowship and fun. Gatherings are every Saturday on the third floor of the parish office starting at 7:00 am for coffee and social time. At 7:30 we start that weeks program ending at 8:30. We invite men to then attend the Saturday 9:00 mass together if they would like. We also gather for an occasional meal, movie, or additional out side program like Exodus 90 during lent. We also encourage men of the parish to attent the annual Catholic Men's Conference. For more details, questions and to get on the meeting invite e-mail list contact us at:
During the school year we run a program called That Man Is You. That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!
During the summer our progams looks at various Catholic material, videos, books, readings.
Ministry of Mom's Sharing (MOMS)
An opportunity for women to develop self-esteem, relationship skills, and a more defined sense of their own spirituality at a time when they are facing the difficult challenges of raising a family. This group is led by a team of facilitators and topics include Self-Esteem & Self-Acceptance; Stress, Worries & Anxiety; Everyday Spirituality; Feelings; Personal Growth; Expressing Values in Friendships; Celebration of New Beginnings & Postscript: Continuing the Journey. For additional information please contact the Coordinator of Religious Education.
Prayer Chain
The prayer chain was started at the request of the RENEW Prayer Committee during the first RENEW season in 1991. People were invited to be on a phone prayer chain to pray for the success of RENEW in our parish and also to pray for the special intentions and needs of parishioners.
Prayer is a vital part of our parish community. It is a source of life for us, individually, and for our parish.
While not everyone can contribute to the life of our parish through their active presence, everyone can help through their prayers. This is why, even after RENEW, the prayer chain has continued to be a vital ministry in our parish. Everyone who has a local telephone number or email is welcome to be on the prayer chain.
The prayer chain is made up of smaller chains. Contact the prayer chain either by phone or email as listed above with a request, and the entire chain is activated.
Please make the request simple and clear. Read the request back to assure accuracy. Excessive details are discouraged. Pray immediately for the request and continue to remember it in prayer for at least three days. All requests are kept CONFIDENTIAL unless otherwise noted in your message. Thanksgiving prayers are encouraged.
We ask that we pray for each other that we persevere in patience and charity.
For Prayer Chain requests leave a message at 740-363-4641, ext. 105 or email
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The mission of the St. Mary Prayer Shawl Ministry is to provide a tangible reminder of God’s love to those in need. We use our time and God-given talent to create shawls, baby blankets, and lap robes while praying for the recipient. In praying, we ask for physical, mental and spiritual healing as well as peace and comfort for those suffering from a serious illness or injury, those grieving the loss of a loved one and those confined to homes. Other ways to help include donating yarn and gift bags.
Those in need of Shawls should contact the St. Mary Parish office.
St. Mary Festival
The St. Mary Festival began in 1998 and has grown into an event for the whole Delaware community. Inspired by the mission of family, fellowship, and fun, the spring festival provides an enjoyable environment for all ages. The goal of the spring festival is to provide a rewarding experience for all who attend or participate. The spring festival is the largest single-event fundraiser for St. Mary Parish. Proceeds from the spring festival have benefited both church and school by providing funds for playground equipment and emergency repairs to the church and parish facilities.
To become a sponsor for the 2024 festival, please contact one of these committee members:
Debbie Keller at or 614-638-9986
Josh Monahan at or 740-803-0874
Please visit our website at
St. Mary Seniors
St. Mary Senior Luncheons are held for those members of our parish at the age of 55 years or older. These luncheons are generally held on the third Wednesday of the months of March, April, May, October, November, and December. The luncheon begins with a prayer service in the church at 12:30 p.m. followed by a fun, themed (free) lunch prepared by a committee of parish members and served in the St. Mary School Commons.
Entertainment of various sorts is presented following the lunch and door prizes are awarded. A freewill offering is greatly appreciated but not expected. Rides to the luncheon can be arranged.
For more information about the luncheons, or to volunteer to be a part of the presenting committee, please see the St. Mary Seniors liaison, which is located in the Parish Guide.
St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Mary Delaware Conference
The Corporal Works of Mercy are the kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs. Members of SVdP are asked to act as stewards and ministers of the Corporal Works of Mercy, set forth in the teachings of Christ. On a local level, our role is to act as the compassionate extended hand of the St. Mary parish family, both within our parish and to our community at large. SVdP Membership is open to both parishioners and other community members willing to uphold the guiding principles of The Society.
*Members may be categorized as:
Associate Members, who selectively take part in Conference meetings, projects, and activities.
Active Members fill the same roles as associate members with regard to conference service, additionally filling roles requiring confidentiality (Need Phone / Needs Committees.) Active Members also become eligible to serve as officers in The Society.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of the Society, call the SVdP Needs Line, (740) 417-3410. Just leave a message including your contact information, and we will reach out to you.
Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts
The Catholic Committee on Scouting assists those scouts working toward their religious awards in scouting. These awards are the Parvuli Dei for Cub Scouting and the Ad Altare Dei for Boy Scouts. For any further information regarding this area of scouting, please call the parish office. For any further information regarding the Cub Scouts please visit their web site: or email:
Vacation Bible School
For more info on helping out with the event of the summer on our Parish Campus and to volunteer for this amazing volunteer experience, please contact Tuesday Trippier at
Walking With Purpose
We want to help women of every age to deepen their spiritual life and knowledge of scripture. We want to reach more women in the parish by offering bible studies geared for Young Mom’s, middle-school age and young adult (high school and college-age) girls.
Why? Our most recent parish results showed that after completing a WWP Bible study:
100% stated their Catholic faith was stronger
100% stated their relationship with Christ was stronger
89% stated their prayer lives have improved
89% have grown in appreciation for the Sacraments
87.5% would recommend WWP to a friend
78% desired to grow in their spiritual lives
For this outreach to be fruitful, we need to form a leadership team consisting of, Coordinators, Small Group Leaders and Hospitality greeters for each of these new programs.
Do you have a special gift you want to share? Do you wish to make new friends and be on the journey as women enrich their relationship with Christ? Do you desire to feel a sense of belonging with a community? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Please prayerfully consider joining our team.
We Thank you for your time, prayer and discernment on how you can share your time, gifts, and talents with your fellow sisters in Christ. Please contact one of the WWP coordinators for more information or if you are interested in joining the leadership team or participating in one of the programs.
Erin Maynard, WWP Pastoral Coordinator @ 614-832-5070 or
Karen Steffan, WWP Operational Coordinator @ 740-739-1489 or
We are the clay and you are our potter, we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:7
Women of St. Mary
Women of St. Mary organization offers spiritual, emotional, and social support for parish women of ALL ages. Our meetings, volunteering, fundraisers, and events foster a sense of fellowship and community in our parish family.
If you like to connect with other women, have fun, help to organize events, decorate, design flyers, help others and make a difference, you will find a home here. You may choose how often or how much time to invest in any event. New ideas are always welcomed, especially at our first kickoff meeting of the year in September.
Benefits of membership
* Women’s events such as the Spring Fashion Show
* Operation Easter Baskets
* Assist Bereavement Committee, when necessary
* Assist parish and community with needs and events
* Provide funding for speakers or new events
Contact Diane Matous, Director of Women of St. Mary at 248-880-9333 or