Altar Servers
New training classes take place each winter for girls and boys in St. Mary Parish beginning with those in the fifth grade and older. Each child is asked to give a one-year commitment by signing a form. Adult servers are also welcomed. Masses include not only the weekend liturgies, Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; 9:30 am; 11:30 am; 5:30 pm weekly Mass. Also included are the vigil Masses of Holy Days (5:30 pm) and school Masses (8:15 am) as well as the 7:00 pm evening Holy Day Mass, weddings and funerals.
For Altar Server Forms, please click the FORMS link. Questions can be directed to our altar server liaison, which can be found in the Parish Contacts portion of our Parish Guide located on our Forms page.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have a sacred responsibility of distributing the Body of Christ to members of the parish at weekend Masses and Holy Days. Extraordinary Ministers are given permission by the Bishop to serve in this capacity and are commissioned for a period of two years. They may be recommissioned.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
to the Sick/Homebound
These Ministers of Holy Communion take Communion, as well as read the Mass readings for the day, on a regular basis to the sick at Grady Hospital, to Catholic residents at local nursing homes, and to parishioners who are homebound. For more information, please contact our Homebound liaison.
Latino Ministry
Our goal is to welcome and offer spiritual support to our Hispanic population. We offer a mass in Spanish every Sunday at 2:00 p.m., which is often followed by a social in our school commons.
Nuestro objetivo es dar la bienvenida y ofrecer apoyo espiritual a nuestra población hispana. Ofrecemos una misa en español el domingo a las 2:00 pm y, a menudo, seguido por un reunión social en nuestro escuela.
Lectors & Commentators
Lectors and commentators play an important function in the Eucharistic Celebration. The lectors have the privilege of proclaiming the word of God to the congregation. The Commentator’s role is to welcome the people, to introduce the liturgical ministers, and to make any necessary announcements. Training is provided.
Please contact Liturgy Coordinator Wendy Piper for more information.
Liturgy Committee
The goal of the liturgy committee is to promote and enhance the quality of liturgical life within the parish community. The members of the liturgy committee are involved primarily in the following areas: environment, music, special liturgies, the formation of liturgical ministers and family life. Qualified and/or interested persons are recruited each year.
If interested in joining, please contact Deacon Todd Tucky.
Ushering at St. Mary is much more than picking up the collection at Masses. Ushers arrive at the church 1/2 hour before Mass begins to greet people coming into the church and be available to answer any questions asked. The ushers also assist the handicapped and elderly and ask if they will need Communion brought to them at distribution. The captain of the ushers asks a family to take up the offertory gifts during Mass. At the end of each Mass, ushers assist with passing out bulletins and accepting donations for St. Vincent DePaul (on the first weekend of each month). After people have left the church, ushers straighten the missals and songbooks in the pews and check for any personal items mistakenly left behind.
Ushers are always needed and are asked to contact our usher liaison to become part of this important ministry.
For contact information, please see our Parish Guide.