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Baptism - Initiation into God's Family! 

“Holy Baptism is…the gateway to life in the Spirit…, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments” (CCC 1213). It is the birth into God’s family – the beginning of eternal life! In Baptism we are given the joy and hope of being a part of God’s loving family, cleansed of original sin and given graces and gifts as a child of God. It is our birth in the family of God in heaven, the communion of saints, and the family of God here on earth, the Church.Baptism is also the seal of eternal life, “Baptism seals the Christian with an indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation.” (CCC 1272) With the indelible mark, we will always be Christ’s. He will never abandon us. He is the Good Shepherd. In return, we are to remain faithful to the call of Baptism to live out our faith, our love of Christ so we can be with Him, rejoicing in participating in the blessed vision of God – all love, truth, goodness, and beauty – the consummation of our faith. At Baptism, the priest or deacon says, “(Name), I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This is the first personal call of God to us to life with Him. He calls us by name to be a part of his family. This supernatural life, grace, and personal call is transformative – we have a new identity in God, we are “born anew.” This is just the beginning of the faith journey. He has called us and given us life. With the help of parents, godparents, family and friends, God will help us become the person that we have been uniquely called to be as an integral part of God’s family in heaven, on earth, and for all eternity. With their help we are able to give a joyful yes to God’s loving call.


Baptism Process at St. Mary's

  • This is a solemn commitment as parents. You are promising God to love and raise your child in your domestic church – a mini version of the Catholic Church at home. This is a beautiful, exciting and serious responsibility. Through your daily witness, prayer, traditions, past times, conversations in difficult and joyful times, you are forming your child’s understanding, in their most important and impressionable years, of what being a part of God’s family is like. You are their guardians and teachers. "Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested service are the rule. The home is well suited for education in the virtues." (CCC 2223) 


  • We are excited that you would like to have your child Baptized in the Catholic Faith here at St. Mary’s!  Please fill out the Baptism Request form (Formulario de Bautismo).This also includes picking a Godparent. Please see the Godparent Guidelines to help inform your decision for this important role. Godparents will need to have their parish send a godparent suitability letter to our parish, stating that they are a practicing Catholic and have received the Sacraments of Initiation. Please complete and return the Baptism Request to Clare Galuzny by email or return to the office –


  • We ask that parents be registered at St. Mary’s, showing their understanding of the importance of the commitment that they are making to raise their child and future children in the community of faith. Parish Registration Form


  • If this is your first child, if you have come back to the faith, or have more than one faith in the family, we have a Baptism Preparation class held once a month for parents to learn more and prepare for their commitment to raising their children in the faith.  Please contact Clare Galuzny to sign up for Baptism Prep –

  • If your child is in first grade or older, they will need to sign up and attend our PSR program to begin their formal faith formation journey, and sign up for OCIA

  • Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process by which adult inquirers are welcomed into the Roman Catholic Church. Adults who have never been baptized, have been baptized in another Christian faith, or have been baptized Catholic but not celebrated Confirmation or Eucharist, are invited to join the OCIA faith journey. Please contact Clare Galuzny to learn more about our OCIA program: 


Godparent Guidelines

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