Thank you
For choosing St. Mary for your child’s faith formation. We are honored to have you be a part of our faith family.
This year will look a different than previous years, in order to provide a quality faith formation to the students that will not be interrupted by changing classes and routines, and also keep students, families, and catechists safe, and keeping it affordable especially in this time of financial uncertainty. With the changes that COVID-19 has brought, we will be moving to a comprehensive online curriculum this year! It is an amazing program that all grades will be using. Parent Testimonial. This will provide families the flexibility to safely learn and grow in the faith at home - the domestic church. This also allows you as a family to focus on Sunday Mass, and how this essential part of our faith helps build your relationship with Jesus and the larger Church family. There will also be regular Zoom meetings by grade, where I will be able to help answer questions each month, to assist you in the faith formation of your children. I will also be supplementing the online materials with Family Catechesis Encounter presentations throughout the year for the whole family to learn and grow together on our St. Mary's YouTube Channel, and will be inviting guests to join! We will be focusing on themes around the Holy Family, the domestic church, sacraments and sacramentals, art, and more! It will be a fun year, while also ensuring the safety of students, families, and our parish community.
A copy of your child’s BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE must be on file in the Religious Education Office. If your child is new to the program and was not baptized at St. Mary Church, please bring your child’s Baptismal Certificate when you register.
For those students preparing to receive a sacrament this coming year, there will be additional in person classes that I will teach with an amazing core team of volunteers - the schedule for these classes are linked here. If you are interested in being an aide in the class to ensure that we maintain PGC ratio requirements, please let me know! Confirmation students will meet once a month for a Discipleship Retreat evening in the Church. They will also be asked to attend our virtual Dead Theologians Society (DTS, learning about the saints in small groups) group on Tuesday evenings. First Communion students will be meeting in groups of 20, with the choice of either the Tuesday evening or Thursday evening. We will be following strict guidelines of cleaning and social distancing for health and safety. Sacraments Classes 2020-21 Calendar
One Child
Two Children
Three or More Children